Politicas de planificacion y gestion de recursos en redes de banda ancha

Tesis doctoral de José Ramon Piney Da Silva

Computer networks allow users to share resources such as printers, file systems, sites on the world wide web, etc. However, the resource sharing introduces the problem of contention for a shared resource. Here, the service disciplines are the key to fairly sharing resources and to providing performance-critical applications as telephony and interactive applications. the goal of this thesis consists in developing new schedulers that guarantee delay and bandwidth performance and improves in some way the characteristics of currently disciplines. Initially it is presented a discrete time analysis of one of the most important actual service disciplines, the generalized processor sharing (gps), by means of using the matrix-geometric solution for markov chains. Because of analysis difficulty it is considered a system with only two flow classes and besides the font model utilized belongs to a bernoulli process. subsequently two proposals of new schedulers based in modifications of the earliest deadline first (edf) service discipline are presented. The first proposal is based in the «priority group scheduling», which permits to reduce the computational load of the edf scheduler. The second proposal it is based in the fact that the edf belongs to the spectrum of schedulers with time dependent priority from which a normalized edf is obtained. The behavior of this scheduler is fairer than of the edf but achieving the same delay bounds. Moreover, this schema is extended to consider schedulers which time dependent priority function is not linear but keeping the same delay bounds of edf scheduler. next a scheduler version that assures independently delay and bandwidth is showed. This scheduler is based in a gps that guarantee any type of service curve using time variable weights and as specific case it is considered piecewise linear functions, since this is the simplest function that allows to gurantee a delay bound and a minimum long range rate. On the other hand, it is presen


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Politicas de planificacion y gestion de recursos en redes de banda ancha«

  • Título de la tesis:  Politicas de planificacion y gestion de recursos en redes de banda ancha
  • Autor:  José Ramon Piney Da Silva
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  09/10/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • SebastiÁ  Sallent Ribes
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: josep Sole pareta
    • Francisco Javier Ozón górriz (vocal)
    • Antonio Fernandez anta (vocal)
    • albert Banchs roca (vocal)


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