Solutions for building service oriented optical networks

Tesis doctoral de Eduard Escalona Zorita

The advent of new services and applications requiring huge bandwidth, processing and storage capacity such as ultra high definition (uhd) ip television, 3d gaming or photorealistic telepresence in media, entails new challenges when building an underlying transport network capable of delivering fast, dynamic and efficient network services. Paradigms such as grid and cloud computing, typically associated just to the it world have to closely collaborate with network engineering mechanisms in order to guarantee a proper quality of service (qos) delivery. This is becoming even more important considering the evolution of optical transport technologies, which motivate the emergence of highperformance and high-capacity network based applications that best effort internet cannot deliver. As a result, telecom operators face the need of providing dynamic high-capacity optical network connectivity services tightly bundled with it resources. optical networks are able to fulfil the bandwidth requirements imposed by the emerging services/applications, however, in order to efficiently support next generation services over an optical infrastructure, some of the existing techniques and mechanisms for establishing optical connections have to be extended or reviewed. While the evolution of networking brings a higher need to intelligently manage network resources, traffic engineering (te) mechanisms allow improving the network performance through the efficient allocation of these resources as well as he dynamic adaptation of bandwidth to optimize its utilization. For instance, in wdm networks, the selection of the proper path and wavelength (known as the rwa problem) is crucial for the efficient usage of network resources, due to the limited number of wavelengths and ports available at each link or node. Moreover, concepts such as energy efficiency, security or service resilience are becoming of paramount importance for the end-to-end global service delivery. The resulting transport network is considered as an evolution towards the future internet architecture and is referred throughout this thesis as a service oriented optical network (soon). the first phase when building service oriented optical networks involves the definition of the requirements imposed by the service layer and the way that these requirements can be mapped into the network. This implies the implementation of proper interfaces between the service and optical network layers and the development of enhanced techniques to enable the provisioning of advanced network services. Theoretical and practical analysis should be combined to fully characterize the new arising challenges that compose the different constraints of a fully-fledgedservice oriented optical network. this doctoral thesis studies, analyzes and evaluates the requirements posed by applications emphasizing their impact on the physical layer and the different procedures that allow a dynamic and efficient connectivity provisioning over optical networks. The support of these requirements entails extensions and modifications to current provisioning echniques and protocols. Novel mechanisms to address some of these issues are proposed and evaluated to assess heir performance in both simulation and experimental scenarios.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Solutions for building service oriented optical networks«

  • Título de la tesis:  Solutions for building service oriented optical networks
  • Autor:  Eduard Escalona Zorita
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  04/05/2011


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Salvatore Spadaro
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: jaume Comellas colome
    • eduard Grasa gras (vocal)
    • victor Lopez alvarez (vocal)
    • ricardo víctor Martínez rivera (vocal)


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