Integration of cmos-mems resonators for radiofrequency applications in the vhf and uhf bands

Tesis doctoral de Jordi Teva Meroño

This thesis is focused on the monolithic integration of microresonators in a commercial cmos technology, ams-0.35um, by using the standard layers of the process. The structures are released in a maskless post-cmos process based on a wet hydrofluoric etchant. Those resonators will make the role of frequency selective devices replacing off-chip components of present front-end tranceivers communication systems relying on their reduced size, cost production and lower consumption. in order to design and modelize those microresonators, an electromechanical model based on the real deflection of flexural resonator will be described allowing the designer to predict the maximum current levels at resonance. In addition to that, a set of mechanical design equations will be presented for all fabricated devices. Along this report, different technological approaches using the available layers of the standard technology for fabricating microresonators will be introduced and discussed. From the design point of view, reducing the gap distance between resonator and driver becomes one of the relevant parameters that will enhance the electrical response of the device. Then, the approaches will be focused on reducing gap distances as much as possible. for the most promising approaches, limitations based on the vertical stiction in the releasing process will be considered in order to avoid the design of structures with limited performance. A fabrication approach based on the layers of the standard capacitance module will stand out as the most promising approach for successfully fabricate integrated mems resonators in the vhf and uhf frequency range, as expenses of 40nm gap distances. Devices exhibiting frequencies in the vhf range, with high quality factors up to 3000 at 290mhz will be presented, giving a figure of merit of q x f=900 ghz. Furthermore, preliminary results on the characterization of a ring bulk acoustic resonator at 1ghz will be described.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Integration of cmos-mems resonators for radiofrequency applications in the vhf and uhf bands«

  • Título de la tesis:  Integration of cmos-mems resonators for radiofrequency applications in the vhf and uhf bands
  • Autor:  Jordi Teva Meroño
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  26/07/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Gabriel Abadal Berini
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: nuria Barniol beumala
    • ole Hansen (vocal)
    • joan Bausells roige (vocal)
    • olivier Gibrat (vocal)


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