Micro/nano fabrication of polymer-based devices

Tesis doctoral de Cristina Martin Olmos

Polymers have been gaining interest for microengineering because they offer a fast, flexible and low-cost alternative of producing micro/nanosystems, substituting silicon as a structural material. In addition, they can be doped, acquiring new functionalities and properties, which improves their performance for device manufacturing and also implies basic scientific interest. Appropriate polymers for both applications are chemically amplified epoxy based negative resists, e.G. Su-8. Epoxy based resist devices can be fabricated by a combination of multi-layer spin-coating, molding and lithographic processing of the resist. This thesis comprises the establishment of polymer mems technology processing at the cnm-imb-csic and the fabrication and characterization of afm probes either using non-doped (standard) or a doped version with iron oxide nanoparticles to overcome their operation and performance. In addition, by doping the epoxy based resist with a black-colored polymer, the absorption spectrum has been modified giving the possibility to use this new material for optothermal actuators. The multiple abilities of the epoxy based resist allow also using it for the fabrication of hydrophobic barriers that are very useful in microfluidics to avoid the intermixing of liquids in a network. Its hydrophobicity and its feasibility to be lithographed in several different techniques were fundamental for this fabrication. Finally, obtaining extremely thin polymer layers by decreasing its viscosity makes possible its local modification by afm, improving the resolution of the patterning.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Micro/nano fabrication of polymer-based devices«

  • Título de la tesis:  Micro/nano fabrication of polymer-based devices
  • Autor:  Cristina Martin Olmos
  • Universidad:  Autónoma de barcelona
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  06/03/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Francesc Perez Murano
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: jaume Esteve tintó
    • stephanus Bí¼ttgenbach (vocal)
    • juergen Brugger (vocal)
    • montserrat Calleja gomez (vocal)


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