Study of helium droplets using quantum monte carlo techniques

Tesis doctoral de Ester Sola Badia

Helium systems at zero temperature are strongly correlated neutral systems which can only be described by means of quantum mechanics. The existence of the two isotopes 4he and 3he allows the comparison between the quantum effects due to different statistics, bosonic and fermionic. In this thesis, an analysis of helium droplets has been done. Throughout this work, both energetic and structural properties of systems with different number of particles n are obtained by means of the quantum monte carlo techniques (variational and diffusion monte carlo – vmc and dmc-). several studies on helium droplets have been published in the last years, most of them using the mean field theory (as the density functional) and variational approaches (as vmc). In the case of 4he, also exact dmc results have already been reported, actually, a great number of works have described with high accuracy the ground state of this bosonic system. The appearance of magic numbers from experimental point of view has motivated the study of 4he droplets, and one chapter of this thesis is focused on this bosonic system. We have carried out a one-by-one energetic study in the range from 20 to 30 particles using the dmc technique to discuss the existence of magic numbers. On the other hand, a brief study about vortices is also done; using out code, one can calculate the energy of a droplet with one vortex inside (ev) and, therefore, the energy of a vortex (ev -e0). about 3he droplets, the sign problem makes their study quite more difficult, for this reason, the number of works is considerably smaller than in the bosonic case. One aim of this thesis was to write a dmc code using both fixed and released node approximations (fn and rn) able to perform high accurate calculations of energetic and structural properties of these finite fermionic systems. A complete optimization of the trial wave function used to describe the system is presented and different types of functions are compared in order to ch


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Study of helium droplets using quantum monte carlo techniques«

  • Título de la tesis:  Study of helium droplets using quantum monte carlo techniques
  • Autor:  Ester Sola Badia
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  20/12/2006


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Joaquin Casulleras Ambros
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: artur Polls martí
    • martí Pi pericay (vocal)
    • Jesús Navarro faus (vocal)
    • stefano Giorgini (vocal)


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