Contracted preposition-determiner forms in german: sematics and pragmatics

Tesis doctoral de Estela S. Puig WaldmÁ¼ller

The topic of this work is the distribution and interpretative differences between contracted and non-contracted forms found in german. Non- contracted forms, which are prepositions followed by a definite article, are restricted to anaphoric and endophoric uses, as well as for inferable referents if the associated expressions are discourse-old. In contrast, contracted forms are prepositions with strong inflectional endings and obligatory in contexts in which the descriptive content of the noun fits one individual. These individuals need not be necessarily uniquely identifiable to the speaker and hearer. It will be proposed that contracted forms are semantically incorporating prepositions, inflected for singular number, gender, and case, which combine with property-denoting noun phrases. This has the advantage that the non-specifics readings that arise with contracted forms can directly be accounted for. Uniqueness effects can be derived from the singular number meaning and from contextual entailments.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Contracted preposition-determiner forms in german: sematics and pragmatics«

  • Título de la tesis:  Contracted preposition-determiner forms in german: sematics and pragmatics
  • Autor:  Estela S. Puig WaldmÁ¼ller
  • Universidad:  Pompeu fabra
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  18/06/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Louise Elisabeth Mcnally Seifert
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: María teresa Espinal farre
    • carla Umbach (vocal)
    • josep Macií  fí brega (vocal)
    • Manuel Leonetti jungl (vocal)


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