Optimizacion de la produccion en una terminal maritima de contenedores. umbrales y punto de equilibrio

Tesis doctoral de Víctor Eusebi Muñoz Cinca

In this thesis we analyze the whole terminal operating processes being conducted in a marine container terminal, to create a model that optimizes the production volume in terms of costs, price, structure and resources. it analyzes all the processes, especially yard performance and its influence on the productivity of transfer operations on berthing line (ships) and land (truck and rail). Based on the yard performance, prices and costs we determine the production thresholds. we define a container terminal as an interface or connection between various modes of transport (road, rail, maritime and inland waters). Its functions include the transfer of containers between different modes and make temporary storage (buffer) in the meantime. Not to be confused with a storage terminal or warehouse as it only dampens the connection between different modes. the operating system is the set of processes that optimize the transfer and temporary storage of containers. Generalizing operations can be divided into two types dock operations and ground operations. Following another approach could also classify them in dynamic processes, which would be the transfer and static processes such as yard storage and stowage. the first chapter describes the historic development of procedures for loading and unloading at ports until the emergence of the container. We continue with an introduction of the premises for the design of a container terminal. Finally we define objectives and methodology of work. the second chapter describes the evolution of marine container terminals. Background and standardization of container, combined transport, infrastructures and operations research as a tool for creating models and different studies on container terminals depending on the method, scope and objective. the third chapter is an introduction of different processes both at the level of transfer or dynamic as planning or static. We analyze the operations and the main related sub processes as machine cycles, yard planning, traffic, allocation of resources (human and mechanical), berth allocation and analysis of the flow of trucks at terminal gates. the fourth chapter is a study of yard performance, thus we analyze the yard container shiftings (container removals), the rotation of inventory and its relationship to the occupancy and productivity of operations. in the fifth chapter we define, analyze and calculate the thresholds of production and break-even point. Yard performance combined with the costs and market prices, determines different points from which the terminal depreciates their costs and maximizes profit. the sixth chapter concludes with the need to improve the combined operational models of terminal processes to obtain improvements in its productivity and costs. Basically it comes to balancing the dynamic role with regard to its static role. in chapter seventh finally concluded that the degree of homogenization and container dwell times in conjunction with its layout are the determinants that maximize their overall performance. Economically we can reach saturation level of production but is the costumer who limits and obliges to optimize the operational performance, thus the terminal must find their thresholds of production bearing in mind that its performance falls within the industry limits. finally in the annexes there are related the characteristics of the main terminals in the world, to finish with an analysis of the industry trends.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Optimizacion de la produccion en una terminal maritima de contenedores. umbrales y punto de equilibrio«

  • Título de la tesis:  Optimizacion de la produccion en una terminal maritima de contenedores. umbrales y punto de equilibrio
  • Autor:  Víctor Eusebi Muñoz Cinca
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  18/07/2008


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Francesc Lleal Galceran
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: ricard Marí sagarra
    • Francisco Piniella corbacho (vocal)
    • rosa Castejón arqued (vocal)
    • abel Camblor ordiz (vocal)


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