Comprender para incidir. lectura analítica y proyecto en la ciudad durante la segunda mitad del siglo xx.

Tesis doctoral de Camilo Salazar Ferro

From the second half of the twentieth century until today, the city (seen as an object of knowledge) has become the focus of an important part of the discussions and investigations on seeking the realization of architecture for the city. during this time, the teaching of architecture has received important contributions, which have tended towards a change in its constitution. This has been done mainly by including within the academic contents, the study of aspects of reality that were not previously covered. These aspects have allowed the understanding of reality in more detail and the proposal of instruments for the development of projects in the city. this issue, however, has not become universal within the academy. In the colombian case, urban analysis has been relegated to a secondary role, with a low impact on project teaching, where the application of methods for the reading of the city is almost non-existent. the present research aims to find relevant arguments, conceptual and instrumental contributions for project teaching, which could be implemented in schools of architecture. This aim is achieved through the collection, analysis and classification of theories and methods for reading the proposed city during the second half of the twentieth century. after reviewing a large number of analytical,methodological and anthological studies, sixteen studies were selected from where various methods of reading the city were withdrawn. These were ordered in four lines of reasoning, which represent the different trends for reading and analysing the city during the studied period. These lines were titled: from urban morphology, from the primary foundation, from the observer¿s human condition and from the intermediary resources. research shows that due to the evolution of the project in the city (as a response to ideological lines of thought during the second half of the twentieth century); it has been increasingly assumed that the way in which the existing city is understood greatly impacts on the accuracy and relevance of the project. Since then, understanding the city has become a first order prerequisite when aiming to impact and improve such cities through the urban project. the progresses made by urban analysis during these fifty years, have become key elements in the development of the project in the city. These contained theoretical arguments and conceptual and instrumental resources which are still applicable to the study and intervention of contemporary urban structures. this research is organised in four parts in which the content is defined and developed. The first: a temporal sequence for the reading of the city, presents a review of the history of urban studies and its role in responding to the needs of the inhabitants. It accomplishes, through a temporal sequence, a synthesis of the content and legacies that each of the sixteen selected studies has left to the urban discipline. the second: theoretical knowledge building and contributions to the discipline through four lines of reasoning, defines the lines in which the studies are classified. Papers are developed for each author and his/her work, which identify and explain their theoretical arguments for reading the city and summarise the conjectural particularities and contrasts for each line. the third: contributions to the project in the city, sets out and explains the resources extracted from each analysed study as support for the urban project in the city. It presents a paper that organises all inputs regarding conceptual and instrumental resources. the final section: conclusions, provides answers to the research questions initially posed. It defines the importance, relevance and transcendence of the work for the intervention of the contemporary city.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Comprender para incidir. lectura analítica y proyecto en la ciudad durante la segunda mitad del siglo xx.«

  • Título de la tesis:  Comprender para incidir. lectura analítica y proyecto en la ciudad durante la segunda mitad del siglo xx.
  • Autor:  Camilo Salazar Ferro
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  18/01/2013


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Angel Francisco Martin Ramos
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: Miguel Corominas ayala
    • rosario Antonio Pavia (vocal)
    • (vocal)
    • (vocal)


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