Superposicion de realidades. colectivos minoritarios en el espacio publico de ciutat vella. barcelona

Tesis doctoral de Mari Carmen Tapia Gomez

The present thesis looks at how minority groups are using public space in the historic part of barcelona. It identifies the principal transformations characterized by the original functional use of the space, the intrinsic meaning that each space has in the end and the social and the cultural borders that the different groups end up creating in regards to the urban space. In this way, public space appears like a great stage where distinctive forces, from the performance of many actors and their activities to the inevitable segregation and seizure of the space interact. the study shows that the participation and conflict, that seems to occur at the same time in the «old city» depends upon many different factors, among which, the fact that cultural differences are fundamental in the moment one has to explain uses, symbols and the people that are acting out their part in this great drama. It is therefore necessary that we consider the impact of the multicultural diversity both in the analysis and the design of the space in question. for the sake of the study, understanding this reality is one way to bring to light the different ways in which people have made the area their home, to understand the nature of the public space and to establish the base from which we are able to reflect on our environments, the profound character of our prejudices and about our responsibility in proposing new integrating projects.


Datos académicos de la tesis doctoral «Superposicion de realidades. colectivos minoritarios en el espacio publico de ciutat vella. barcelona«

  • Título de la tesis:  Superposicion de realidades. colectivos minoritarios en el espacio publico de ciutat vella. barcelona
  • Autor:  Mari Carmen Tapia Gomez
  • Universidad:  Politécnica de catalunya
  • Fecha de lectura de la tesis:  19/06/2007


Dirección y tribunal

  • Director de la tesis
    • Miquel Domingo Clota
  • Tribunal
    • Presidente del tribunal: José Luis Oyón bañales
    • horacio Capel (vocal)
    • José María Montaner martorell (vocal)
    • sergi Valera pertegas (vocal)


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